Rabu, 26 Ogos 2009

discipline teachers.

my god.
holiday is super-boring. i dont know what i'm talking about, but i kinda miss my school. let me tell you a thing or two about my discipline teacher back in school.

so i had this discipline teacher aka GPK HEM. i bet you know what it means. moving on, i was new to my school. so i don't know much about him. (yes, him). one thing i know, he brings a pair of scissors. wherever he go. (yes, wherever he go). one day, my class is freakin noisy. very noisy. and his office is just right below us.

'murphy's law: anything can go wrong, will go wrong'

in fact, edward murphy is right. the GPK HEM walk through the corridors. 'thump, thump, THUMP'. noo, thats just me, munching on keropok. anyway, then he appeared at the class door. his face just made us quiet.

FYI, a few weeks after that, i noticed that i hardly see him anymore. my friend told me that he's been moved to somewhere, working as a principal. you get the idea of how happy my friends are.

thats just the beginning of our huge problem.
our new GPK HEM is much better. at least, he doesn't walk to classes and ask to shut up.

Selasa, 25 Ogos 2009

homeworks... WHY?!

i had this 7-day holiday. and, of course, my pendidikan islam teacher gave us a few homeworks.

well, not a few. :(

at school, we almost finish all the topics on pendidikan islam. since i was absent on the day before holiday, my close friend smsed me on the phone :
"Ain, homework for holiday - pendidikan islam exercise book, do all"


imagine doing ALL the exercise for ALL topics, for 7 days. let me be frank, i havent even started my work. ;)

YET. :(



this just basically sucks!

my school has just been close for quarantine. you know, the H1N1 epidemic. for ONE WEEK! and another holiday for a week.. ramadhan. i could just imagine my buddies jumping up and down, screaming their lungs off, being super-happy because of school holidays.

but theres always two sides in a story :)

i think its just sucks! but i know, school gotta quarantine. and ramadhan needs a holiday.. yeah i understand. but, sitting at home, staring at the tv, sitting in front of the computer, its.. its.. boring.

for them, its like rain after 10 years of waiting.

i realised, I'M the only one who thinks that way. for me, going to school.. yeah to learn but it also kills my time. haha, i meant its also a way for me to spend my time. about 4 more hours till buka puasa. see you later
